Sentences have broken forth from my son in the last 4 or 5 days. Requests. Commentary. Demands. Encouragement.
"Eemee, Doe, eemee." (excuse me, Joe, excuse me)
"Mama, eat dodurt?" (Mom, can I have some yogurt?)
"Mama, nice surt, mama, naasss." (Mom, nice shirt, really nice)
"See doose, mama, see?" (Can I peek in your cup of mysterious drink?)
"Okay, sorree. Mama Soree..." (Okay, I'm sorry, Mom)
This has been brewing for some time of course but the first big moment was over this past weekend when I was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with the kids and Joe was over watching a movie with us. Joe was lying on the ground and blocking Quinn's intended path. "Eemee, Doe, eemee!"
Joe looked up at me with eyebrows raised. Whoa! That was a clear request!
My boy is growing up... just a month and a half and we'll be celebrating birthday number two.
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