Saturday, November 8, 2008


Trick or TREAT!! I want chocolate.

That was what our neighbors heard from Quinn when they opened the door for my children on Halloween. Yes, he is indeed my son.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Like the Dow Jones Industrial Average...

Over the past month I have experience great mental and emotional highs and lows. I had trouble laying in bed at night trying to fall asleep. I have much hope for awesome things. Maybe what it is I feel is the desire for those things. Also those hours are the ones I have for reflection. When the kids are sleeping my life boils down to me and a very silent house. I am restless.

This explains the blog silence for almost two months. Several things have happened in the past couple of months of note: a) actual divorce filing b) my vacation to Chicago c) I have decided to pursue a social life d) I joined a church e) I joined a single parents' group at that church.

The church and the single parents group has been a surprisingly enjoyble and even more surprisingly - truly comforting - force since I started attending. The church services are extremely non-traditional, although definitely Christian. No one has put out judgemental or exclusionary vibes, or asked me what I belive. In return for showing up I have the opportunity to join some volunteering plans around the holidays and meet other single parents for a meal and conversation every other Sunday afternoon. Older kids babysit younger kids and we discuss a chapter from a book about putting a life together for yourself and your wards after finding yourself alone in this role. I wept through my reading of the first chapter. These other folks I listen to have great humor and just take care of business and inspire me to keep on with all that I need to do with great strength and confidence.

Again and again I am blown away by how well-trodden all this territory is, how completely common this experience is that I am living. I'm also blown away with how much I have tried to live my life as an island for so long. Just joining casual groups of other people and getting out there is incredibly powerful.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Goodbye Summer

Today is Labor Day, and Darin picked up the kids for a day of car shows and father-child bonding (hopefully) bright and early. I headed out for a jog to the elementary school, around the track and back. Leaving the house I checked out the morning glory vines, as I have been doing all summer long. The kids and I planted these seeds in April, and it took until August for the plants to even start their journey up the trellis. We watered faithfully, but pretty much it has been a bust. Then today, September first, we achieve actual morning glories.

Today marks the end of summer, and the summer has been very long. It has been my first summer living on my own in years. I've spent time mapping out a new future for myself, mentally embracing my new realities, and setting new goals. Maybe the summer feels long because all that came before separating from Darin feels incredibly distant. Hasn't it always been this way? Hard to believe the way it was.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


It has been SO HOT this week. So far this summer has not been so bad, and we have made up for it this week. All I wanted to do yesterday and today was lay on the couch under the spinning ceiling fan and drift in and out of naps.

To top it off there has been much too much eating for me this week. THe combination can't be good for snapping me out of this lethargy.

Yesterday was Papa's birthday and Janette, Mike and Sean were in town. I did participate in a group Wii bowling tournament. Does that count as activity??

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Boy

You are still my baby sweetie, even though you are a big old handsome brute of a 2 year old. And still you are a bright ray of love and laughs in my life. Now you can say "BIG BOY" when I ask you if you are mommy's baby. And you can flash a sign when I ask how old you are.

I love you so much Quinn, happy birthday!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Just a Typical Day at Home

A picture of what Mia called "our soldier party"

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mia and Quinn

"Bye Bye Treats!" -- Quinn to the very cool girl behind the counter as we walked out of Godiva Chocolatier

"She was even bigger than you are and that is what made me curious of her." -- Mia, describing the very tall mom of her friend Myles.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Joe and Casie Rock,

Ode to a Clean Garage part deux

- we've been having crazy electrical storms lately and it knocked out the power to my garage refrigerator at some point early last week;
- the power to my house never went out and I was unaware of the warming refrigerator/freezer for several days;
- in the appliance I thought there was only beer, mustard, and ice cream sandwiches there was in fact my Christmas turkey from my job spewing purtified turkey liquid for days undetected;
- this horrifying discovery was witnessed by Joe and Casie, no matter if that witness was for sympathy or for morbid curiosity;
- Joe reconnected my refrigerator and began a re-freezing process;
- immediately upon the discovery of said rotten flesh Joe and Casie told me they would be back the following evening to help clean up;
- they did in fact show up and what could have taken all night took about 30 minutes;

it is hereby asserted and resolved:
THAT: Joe and Casie ROCK
THAT: I owe them big time
THAT: I would suck as a person with forensic responsibilities
THAT: I do not need a second refrigerator

love you guys.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

In Honor of Father's Day - 2008

watch until the end of this clip....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quotables for the week

"Sing the same thing as I'm thinking else you'll hurt my brain." (Mia to me during some random singing session we periodically have in this family)

"Amma fruck?" (Quinn, asking if we are going to take a ride in Grandma's SUV)

"Mess a Gee Gee." (Quinn, quite disgruntled and picking crayons off the floor that his playmate Gage had dumped out in a huge pile)

Ode to a Clean Garage

Last week Monday, immediately upon putting the kids to bed, I walked out into the garage and started opening boxes. I was out there in the night air sorting through until 12:15am, when a tornado siren prompted me to go inside and check the TV... and discover that it was 12:15am. Shower and sleep at that point.

By the way, the weather seemed perfect when the siren started, and as far as I could tell never got really bad in my neighborhood.

Most nights this week and most of the day today found me in the garage sorting through. My garage has been a problem looming over me since I moved to Missouri and there is no excuse. Yes, there was a rodent problem that first summer and I do find mousey evidence in random areas of my old belongings. But the worst of that I threw away as soon as it was discovered when I moved into the house in Republic with Darin in September 2004. So much of what we brought from California just never got unpacked. Then after moving to this duplex, many boxes we backed up from the old house never got unpacked either.

Purging my abode of these boxes and piles of forgotten belongings has been kind of a therapy for me. A meditation at any rate. Inside each box has been a peek inside a former life: clothes I used to wear, toys Mia used to play with, photos of what my life used to be at some random period. Above all there are books and books and books. Whatever else I did not accomplish for myself in my twenties, I accumulated a hell of a book collection that sounded interesting and I got around to reading only maybe 20% of them before they were packed away.

This garage cleaning had me reflecting on what I was running towards when I used to hop jobs every year or two, hop relationships and coasts every year or two. I was chasing happiness pretty hard and I was pretty miserable. Everything was a supreme force of will; every relationship and every job I kept one foot out the door. I was uncomfortable everywhere, in every friendship, every relationship, every geography, and so I kept on moving. "It" had to be found sometime in my travels - that thing that would click and make me feel like a natural fit for life. Funny, it never happened until I was effectively stranded out here in Springfield Missouri in a nonfunctioning marriage and new motherhood. But I'm left with all these relics from the bright, shiny, frenetic, ultimately empty chase of my younger years.

The books I accumulated, even the portion I read and loved, look different to my older eyes. Subjects like the education system, philosophy, feminism, history.... man do they pull different strings in my brain now. Age, parenthood, maybe explain that. But also I am coming from inner calm that I never had before.

When I went up to Minnesota last year to see Colleen and Phil graduate I was using Colleen's hair dryer at some point and looking around her apartment. I kept coming back to this little sign she had posted in a frame - I think it was on a tabletop. It said something like "Life is not finding yourself. It is about creating the person you want to be." Revelation. I have ruminated on that idea since that weekend. I knew on that trip my marriage was failing and I knew I needed to change my life. It is sort of liberating to give up this false sense of "searching" and just start making some executive decisions about my life. Waiting for external confirmation - seems crazy now - has been driving many aspects of my destiny for a long time.

So, I am very close to having a garage that is the envy of all my neighbors. What will I have gained? Space for the kids' bikes? Check. Good reading material for all my downtime? Check. A Hanta virus infection? Remains to be seen. (yes, that was for Phil) The biggest thing I feel like I'm doing is clearing the slate so I can create something purposeful and geniune, small scale and humble, and totally what I want it to be.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Can you handle it?

"Well, I can take the hotness."

-- Mia's comment to me after I told her we would be waiting until it cooled down this evening to go out and water the flowers

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

He Speaks, and it is Good

Sentences have broken forth from my son in the last 4 or 5 days. Requests. Commentary. Demands. Encouragement.

"Eemee, Doe, eemee." (excuse me, Joe, excuse me)

"Mama, eat dodurt?" (Mom, can I have some yogurt?)

"Mama, nice surt, mama, naasss." (Mom, nice shirt, really nice)

"See doose, mama, see?" (Can I peek in your cup of mysterious drink?)

"Okay, sorree. Mama Soree..." (Okay, I'm sorry, Mom)

This has been brewing for some time of course but the first big moment was over this past weekend when I was at Grandma and Grandpa's house with the kids and Joe was over watching a movie with us. Joe was lying on the ground and blocking Quinn's intended path. "Eemee, Doe, eemee!"

Joe looked up at me with eyebrows raised. Whoa! That was a clear request!

My boy is growing up... just a month and a half and we'll be celebrating birthday number two.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


So I am sitting here watching the TiVo I have been saving of the American Idol finale. AND OMG I LOVE GEORGE MICHAEL. I used to know this and wail along with his music regularly. His songs get me so EMOTIONAL... tears or really happy. Feels so good to feel so bad with him.

I must go forth and buy the CD's I either lost in the great CD purge of 1998 or never did acquire. Take note, anyone looking for a birthday idea for me or if Santa is listening or if you were considering sending me an anonymous gift, oh secretly admiring reader.

Songs that I LOVE that I forgot:
and on and on....

Monday, May 5, 2008


A couple of weeks ago two coupons for free movie rental at Hollywood arrived in my mail. This meant I could go rent a couple of movies as that is normally an off-budget extravagance. I wanted to see I am Legend and No Country for Old Men... but I started with just the No Country because I don't have a lot of time to watch movies on my own. Two seemed really ambitious.

No Country for Old Men was a good movie. Not the most amazing thing I've seen but good. I liked Tommy Lee Jones and that crazy-eyed Javier dude. The main character was sort of an idiot, or at the very least someone who I could never relate to. So I can appreciate the film but don't get very emotional about it.

That was the weekend before last. This past Thursday I trekked back up to Hollywood, this time with Mia and Quinn. I rarely go to the video store (as I've mentioned) but once upon a time I was a regular and I have a big need to do the typical perimeter scan of new releases from left to right... then if still looking I work the interior.

With the tots in tow this is a drawn out stroll full of cajoling, threatening, and all out begging on my part for them to: put that down, stay where I can see them, follow me, watch out for the other nice people, etc etc.

We were getting far along our lap around the store and still no Legend. But Mia spied a very princessey DVD case. Before I could spit out "WHAT DID I JUST TELL YOU DO NOT PICK UP THE MOVIES PLEASE PUT THAT DOWN PLEASE PUT THAT DOWN" she let out a very excited gasp and smiled so big and said "Please Mama can we please watch this movie together when Quinn takes his nap?"

I am putty. I say yes. I think "yay... more princesses I never heard of UGH."

I also picked up that Will Smith movie.

Mia and I watched Enchanted (twice) this weekend. This movie made me laugh so hard. There is this scene where the two leads are walking through Central Park and random civilians join in a huge song and dance number. It gave me great joy.

At the end when all the true love's kisses were happening, Mia curled up against me and grabbed my arm. I looked over at her and she had tears in her eyes. It surprised me so much! I asked her if she was okay and she just smiled and told me she was just really happy for them.

My sweetie.

I am Legend was okay.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Back on line

IT HAS BEEN FOREVER since I posted to this, and I am psyched to finally be back on line. I surprisingly missed the tiny bits of writing I had been doing.

Spring has sprung and in a relatively tornado free fashion to this point. I love spring so much east of the Rockies. Beautiful time and winter is just so depressing by the time March rolls around each year.

I have been working out like a fiend the past two weeks with Casie and Joe. Yoga has become a fascination with me. But I have not completely recommitted myself to sparkpeople... and thus the 7 or so pounds I gained after my gallbladder surgery still haunt me. So I guess instead of blogging about it here I should just go log on to that.

Before I do that, let me quickly list (for all his fans) a few highlights of Quinn's vocabulary this week.

Snack of a appoe (he would like to eat an apple)

Mama (applies to me, Mia, and Grandma)

Ehmoe (Elmo - the word he says more than anything except MORE)

Wallo (water)

huggamama (hug for mama. This interupts each meal about 15 minutes after it has begun)

rookamama (hey mom look at this!)

whee (slide. "moe whee" means Mother, might we please not leave the playground now but instead continue to slide until I keel over from exhaustion? No? Then I will now have a fit.)