Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the big 0-4

Tonight we had a little birthday lasagna and birthday cake and a nice family birthday party for my favorite four year old girl.

The loot: a big girl bike with training wheels (grandparental units), a Cinderella gown with "glass" slippers (Auntie Case and Uncle Joe), letters to paint and decorate with paint and decorations and an art caddy to carry said paints and decorations (Janette and Ken), Crayons and markers and an accordion (yours truly and daddy).

Mia asked Uncle Joe (U.J. as Papa calls him) if he could be her prince and bring her glass slipper to her. Casie saw to it that he was indeed her prince. Joe, you rock.


Colleen said...

No pictures of prince Joe bringing the glass slipper?!?!?! That would've been the best photo for decades!!! It would be the sweetest picture ever!!I'm so disappointed!!

Colleen said...

Nice job Aunt Casie and Uncle Joe with the princess dress PLUS glass slippers, by the way. I am really sad I missed the birthday party.