Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gallbladder Recovery

Tomorrow morning marks two weeks since I've had my gallbladder removed. I confess that I have not been an ideal patient. As I remember it through my morphine/benedryl/demerol induced fog, I was instructed by a person in scrubs that I should not lift more than 15 pounds for two weeks.

Quinn weighs 25 pounds. Friday I caved in. For over a week Grandma and Grandpa had been pulling childcare duty and I MISSED my babies. So I picked them up from daycare Friday and have been with them since.

My guts have been speaking to me a little. But I'm so happy to be back with them, and SO relieved to have the operation done. The surgeon says all looked good to him visually, and the procedure went smoothly. Darin and Mom were waiting for word from him after the surgery, and he came out with two sheets of pictures of my gallbladder. Eeeww! But also cool!

Thank goodness it is done. Now I just need to make myself rest more. Follow up, complete with pathology reports, is November 1st. Keep me in your thoughts.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Where a kid can be a kid

More pics to come, but here are a few of the Chuck E Cheese experience.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Angelic evening of Dancing, Telling of Tales

Mia got an angel constume from Colleen and Phil in the mail tonight. She put it on and immediately felt like dancing.

We had a great time. After Darin went to work, I packed up Angel Mia and her little brother Quinn and took a trip to a party store. Little toys and trinkets were purchased for the Chuck E. Cheese party on Saturday. I found a big ol' fabric hat, HUGE and dome like for Quinn that was a king hat. I thought it would be perfect for him to be Prince Charming to Mia's Cinderella. But for TWENTY DOLLARS I just couldn't do it.

The next errand was to Hollywood video to return some videos. I write this all to you, dear blog readers, to express that I was cruising town with the kids for a good amount of time tonight. Each car ride was narrated fully by my girl.

She told me stories about monsters, caves, her family heroically shooting said monsters to save her, and all stories included Auntie Casie and Uncle Joe. In one story they were moving to a new city and packed up all their beds, chairs, and "furnitures" into a big truck that was really hard to drive. They were reading a map and did not see the red light and drove right through the light. Then they had to make sure they were more careful next time.

At home the stories continued, this time pretend reading to me from a real book about a character named Really Kippers. (wha - ?)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the big 0-4

Tonight we had a little birthday lasagna and birthday cake and a nice family birthday party for my favorite four year old girl.

The loot: a big girl bike with training wheels (grandparental units), a Cinderella gown with "glass" slippers (Auntie Case and Uncle Joe), letters to paint and decorate with paint and decorations and an art caddy to carry said paints and decorations (Janette and Ken), Crayons and markers and an accordion (yours truly and daddy).

Mia asked Uncle Joe (U.J. as Papa calls him) if he could be her prince and bring her glass slipper to her. Casie saw to it that he was indeed her prince. Joe, you rock.

Monday, October 8, 2007

October, Gallbladder anxiety and birthdays

I love October. Mom's birthday was last weekend and we went to Taste of Springfield. Mia's birthday is tomorrow. It is getting cooler at night and fall is here. This weekend we are going to the pumpkin patch.

On a different note, tomorrow I am going to a consultation with the prospective remover of my offending gallbladder. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. I know this is the right thing to do. I need to get it done. I will feel so much better. But ugh.

I'll make sure I post some good pumpkin and birthday pics for you all.